Timer do PS 14

Fórum ke všem verzím Pinnacle Studia 10 až 15

Nevite jestli jde dat Timer nebo stopky do videa v PS14? Do verze 9 to slo, tady je odkaz

http://www.hlinke.de/Home_e/RTFX_Plugin ... ro_v2.html

Chci to do sportovnich klipu. Diky za jakoukoliv pomoc,


Uz to mam. Koho by to zajimalo, tady je navod od autora. J

There is solution for Windows7.

The problem is that the plugin has to write “xml”-files into the plugin
directory. For security reasons Windows 7 does not allow programs to write
into the program directory.

Solution: You have to start Studio ONCE as Adminstrator.

To do this right click on the Studio 14 icon and select “Run as
Administrator” or similar. You will get a security warning, where you have
to say “OK”.

Then Studio start and the plugin can now write the necessary xml-files. The
effects should be visible in Studio now.

The next time you can start Studio the normal way. Everytime you add a
virtualdub filter you have to redo this procedure.
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